Kamala Harris photo

Statement by the Vice President on Access to Medication Abortion Through Major Retail Pharmacies

March 01, 2024

Today, two major retail pharmacy chains announced they are certified to dispense mifepristone, a medication that has been proven safe and effective for over two decades. Many women in America will soon have the choice to pick up their prescription at a local pharmacy. This is an important step to ensure women have access to the health care they need.

The President and I stand with the majority of Americans who believe women should have the freedom to make decisions about their own body and their own lives. We remain committed to defending access to reproductive health care, including medication abortion. Our Administration will not waver in our dedication to preserving access to essential medication and defending the FDA's independent, evidence-based approval and regulation of safe and effective drugs.

Kamala Harris, Statement by the Vice President on Access to Medication Abortion Through Major Retail Pharmacies Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/370389

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