Photo of Tom Steyer

Statement by Tom Steyer to Trump Ahead of Iowa Visit: You're a Fraud and Failure on the Economy

January 30, 2020

(DES MOINES, IA, January 30, 2020) — Today, Democratic presidential candidate Tom Steyer challenged Donald Trump on the economy ahead of the president's visit to Iowa this evening. Steyer is in the middle of his "Beat Trump" bus tour across Iowa heading into caucus night.

"Donald Trump touts his economic success as his best case for reelection, but the economy is failing hard-working Iowans and Americans all across this country," said Steyer. "Economic growth is not a success if it all goes to the top 1% on top of a $2 trillion dollar tax cut for corporations and the wealthy. Low unemployment doesn't work if Americans are working two or more jobs to make ends meet. And a rising stock market doesn't lift the fortunes of Iowa farmers who have seen their livelihoods decimated by Trump's trade war.

"It's time for a new way to build economic prosperity. I know what it takes to create real growth and mobility that benefits every person living in this country. I will go toe-to-toe with Trump and expose him for what he is: a fraud and a failure."

With Trump's arrival in Des Moines tonight, Steyer will continue to make the case to Iowans that the 2020 presidential election will come down to the economy, and that his experience and track record of growing prosperity makes him the Democrat best prepared to go toe-to-toe with Donald Trump on the economy, and win.

Tom Steyer, Statement by Tom Steyer to Trump Ahead of Iowa Visit: You're a Fraud and Failure on the Economy Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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