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Romney Campaign Press Release - Tall Tales From The Obama Campaign

August 08, 2012

After Months Of Distortions And Lies, How Can We Trust Anything The Obama Campaign Says?

The Obama Campaign Repeatedly Lied About Its Knowledge Of The Content In A Disgraced Ad From Obama Allies:

Top Obama Campaign Officials Repeatedly Denied Having Any Knowledge About A Disgraced Ad Run By President Obama's Super PAC. "Asked about the Priorities spot on MSNBC Wednesday morning, Robert Gibbs said he doesn't 'know the specifics" while Stephanie Cutter said on CNN: "I don't know the facts about when Mr. Soptic's wife got sick or the facts about his health insurance.' And Jen Psaki told reporters on Air Force One that "we don't' have any knowledge of the story of the family," according to Yahoo! News." (Reid J. Epstein, "Team Obama Denies Knowing Story Of Man In Its TV Ad, Call," Politico, 8/8/12)

  • "When President Obama's Aides Said They Weren't Familiar With Former Missouri Steelworker Joe Soptic's Life Story, All They Had To Do Was Check Their Own Campaign Archives." (Reid J. Epstein, "Team Obama Denies Knowing Story Of Man In Its TV Ad, Call," Politico, 8/8/12)
  • In May, Cutter Hosted A Conference Call That Featured The Same Subject As The Disgraced Ad. "But Cutter hosted an Obama campaign conference call in May in which Soptic told reporters the very story featured in the Priorities spot." (Reid J. Epstein, "Team Obama Denies Knowing Story Of Man In Its TV Ad, Call," Politico, 8/8/12)

President Obama's Campaign "Twisted Romney's Position To A Ridiculous Degree" In A Recent Ad About Governor Romney's Position On Abortion:

The Obama Campaign Ran A False Ad About Governor Romney's Position On Abortion. "The Obama campaign is out with another ad making the false claim that Mitt Romney 'backed a bill that outlaws all abortion, even in cases of rape and incest.' Romney's consistent position through this campaign, and the last, and as far back as 2005, is that he opposes abortion except in cases when the life of the mother is in danger, and in cases of rape and incest." (Robert Farley, "Falsifying Romney's Abortion Stance, Again,", 7/31/12)

  • PolitiFact Rated The Ad "Pants On Fire" Because They Have "Twisted Romney's Position To A Ridiculous Degree" And "Has No Evidence" To Back Up Their Claims." "The ad from the Obama campaign said Romney 'backed a bill that outlaws all abortions, even in cases of rape and incest.' The Obama campaign provides virtually nothing to back that up, however. It has no evidence that Romney explicitly opposed the exception for rape and incest. ... In its effort to appeal to women, the Obama campaign has twisted Romney's position to a ridiculous degree. We rate the claim Pants on Fire." (Jon Greenberg,, 7/25/12)

The Obama Campaign Launched Discredited Attacks On Governor Romney's Record Of Job Creation:

The Obama Campaign Accused Romney Of Shipping Jobs Overseas While At Bain Capital. "Obama accuses Romney in a series of TV ads of being a 'corporate raider' who 'shipped jobs to China and Mexico,' asking if voters want to elect an 'outsourcer in chief.' ... Bain Capital, the venture capital firm founded by Romney in 1984, is the focus of the Obama campaign's attacks." (Robert Farley and Eugene Kiely, "Obama's 'Outsourcer' Overreach,", 6/29/12)

  • "We Found No Evidence To Support The Claim That Romney — While He Was Still Running Bain Capital — Shipped American Jobs Overseas." "But after reviewing numerous corporate filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, contemporary news accounts, company histories and press releases, and the evidence offered by both the Obama and Romney campaigns, we found no evidence to support the claim that Romney — while he was still running Bain Capital — shipped American jobs overseas." (Robert Farley and Eugene Kiely, "Obama's 'Outsourcer' Overreach,", 6/29/12)

The Obama Campaign Tried To Deflect Blame For The Disastrous Solyndra Boondoggle:

The Obama Campaign Has Claimed The Federal Program That Awarded Solyndra's Loan Guarantee Was Established Under President Bush. "'President Obama's investments in clean energy — along with the loan guarantee program established under the Bush administration that Romney now attacks — have supported 200,000 jobs in the clean energy sector and have helped bring our dependence on foreign oil to a 16-year low,' [Lis Smith] said." (Ben German, "Obama Campaign Strikes Back At Romney On Green Energy," The Hill, 5/29/12)

  • The Washington Post's Fact Checker: "The President Should Accept Responsibility, Not Shirk It" For Giving Solyndra Its Loan. "The administration is straining too hard to reverse that aphorism — ie, saying the failure of Solyndra has a thousand fathers. While the original law may have set up the loan guarantee program, Solyndra received its loan through an expansion of that program that the administration was quick to take credit for. ... We find it hard to believe that any reasonable person could interpret Obama's remarks this week as anything but a distinct effort to put the blame for Solyndra in some one else's pocket. The president should accept responsibility, not shirk it." (Glenn Kessler, "Obama's Solyndra Shuffle," The Washington Post, 3/23/12)

President Obama Made False Claims About His Record On Manufacturing Jobs:

President Obama Claimed That, "For The First Time Since 1990, American Manufacturers Are Creating New Jobs." "President Barack Obama packed an upbeat job statistic for his visit to the Master Lock plant in Milwaukee. 'For the first time since 1990, American manufacturers are creating new jobs,' the president said on Feb. 15, 2012, as he praised Master Lock for bringing jobs back from China. 'American manufacturers are hiring for the first time since 1990,' Obama said in repeating the claim two days later at a Boeing plant in Washington state." (Dave Umhoefer, "President Barack Obama Says American Manufacturers Are Creating New Jobs For The First Time Since 1990," Politifact, 2/22/12)

  • Politifact: "Employment Is Still Down Compared To The Start Of Obama's Term. ... We Rate The President's Claim False." (Dave Umhoefer, "President Barack Obama Says American Manufacturers Are Creating New Jobs For The First Time Since 1990," Politifact, 2/22/12)

President Obama Has Made "Ridiculous" Claims About Passing Tax Cuts:

President Obama Claimed He Passed The "Biggest Middle-Class Tax Cut In History." "The president's Labor Day speech in Detroit featured an assertion that contained a number of warning signs that it might be an errant fact: 'biggest middle-class tax cut in history.'" (Glenn Kessler, "Obama's Whopper Of A Claim On Tax Cuts," The Washington Post, 9/7/11)

  • The Washington Post's Fact-Checker: "Obama's Claim Of Having Passed The 'Biggest Middle-Class Tax Cut In History' Is Ridiculous." (Glenn Kessler, "Obama's Whopper Of A Claim On Tax Cuts," The Washington Post, 9/7/11)

Mitt Romney, Romney Campaign Press Release - Tall Tales From The Obama Campaign Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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