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Romney Campaign Press Release - A Clear Choice On Stopping Obama's Defense Cuts

October 22, 2012

Mitt Romney Will Stop President Obama's Devastating Defense Cuts And Provide Our Military With The Resources It Needs

President Obama's Massive Defense Cuts Will Jeopardize Jobs And Devastate Our National Security:

President Obama's Administration Was Behind The Idea Of "Massive Defense Cuts." "The book 'The Price of Politics,' by Washington Post Associate Editor Bob Woodward, makes it clear the idea for the draconian spending cuts originated in the White House — and not in Congress. According to the book, excerpts of which were obtained by POLITICO ahead of the Sept. 11 release, President Barack Obama's top deputies believed the prospect of massive defense cuts would compel Republicans to agree to a deficit-cutting grand bargain." (Austin Wright, "Bob Woodward Book Could Bolster Republican Attack On W.H.," Politico, 9/7/12)

•         "Simply Put, The White House And The Democrats Were Going To Be Able To Sell A Deal To Their Rank And File Because Of Defense Cuts." (Bob Woodward, The Price Of Politics, 2012, p. 204)

President Obama's Massive Defense Cuts Will Lead To Over 1 Million Lost Jobs. (Stephen S. Fuller, "The Economic Impact Of The Budget Control Act Of 2011 On DOD And Non-DOD Agencies," Report, 7/17/12)

Secretary Panetta, On The Effect Of The Looming Defense Cuts: "Guarantees That We Are Going To Hollow The Force And Devastate Our National Security." PANETTA: "And let me tell you something if sequester goes into effect, you can throw all of this out the window. Sequester doubles the numbers of cuts, does it through that crazy formula, and guarantees that we are going to hollow the force and devastate our national security." (Secretary Leon Panetta, Appropriations Committee, Subcommittee On Defense, U.S. House Of Representatives, Testimony, 2/16/12)

•         Secretary Panetta Says Defense Cuts Will Result In The "Smallest Ground Force Since 1940, The Smallest Number Of Ships Since 1915 And The Smallest Air Force In Its History." "Defense Secretary Leon Panetta spelled out a doomsday scenario Monday that he said could occur if Congress fails to take action to avoid a $1 trillion cut in defense spending over the next decade. Panetta, responding to a letter from Republican Senators John McCain and Lindsay Graham, said cuts of nearly $100 billion a year would leave the United States with its smallest ground force since 1940, the smallest number of ships since 1915 and the smallest air force in its history." (David Alexander, "Panetta Spells Out Budget Cut Doomsday Fears," Reuters, 11/14/11)

Vice President Biden, On The Prospect Of Cuts To The Military & Veterans: "This Is A Dangerous Area ... But We Should Look At It." "The military was sacred, and it could be political suicide for Democrats to consider cuts for vets. 'This is a dangerous area,' he acknowledged, 'but we should look at it.'" (Bob Woodward, The Price Of Politics, 2012, p. 115)

With The Cuts Looming — And Against The Advice Of His Defense Secretary — President Obama Has Refused To Avert The Cuts Unless Taxes Are Raised:

President Obama Has Threatened To Let The Devastating Defense Cuts Take Effect Unless Republicans Agree To Impose Higher Taxes On Job Creators. "President Obama is prepared to veto legislation to block year-end tax hikes and spending cuts, collectively known as the 'fiscal cliff,' unless Republicans bow to his demand to raise tax rates for the wealthy, administration officials said. Freed from the political and economic constraints that have tied his hands in the past, Obama is ready to play hardball with Republicans, who have so far successfully resisted a deal to tame the debt that includes higher taxes, Obama's allies say." (Lori Montgomery, "Officials: Obama Ready To Veto A Bill Blocking 'Fiscal Cliff' Without Tax Hike For Rich," The Washington Post, 10/17/12)

Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, In September: "I'll Take Whatever The Hell Deal They Can Make Right Now To Deal With Sequestration." "Defense Secretary Leon Panetta on Thursday said he'd take any deal that would avoid across-the-board cuts to defense spending. Lawmakers have begun floating short-term agreements to stop the $500 billion in defense cuts known as sequestration from beginning in January amid concerns they won't be able to strike a "grand bargain" on taxes and spending. 'I'll take whatever the hell deal they can make right now to deal with sequestration,' Panetta said." (Jeremy Herb, "Panetta Would Take 'Whatever The Hell Deal' Possible To Avoid Cuts," The Hill, 9/27/12)

Mitt Romney Will Rescind President Obama's Devastating Defense Cuts And Ensure Our Military Has The Resources They Need:

Mitt Romney Has Called President Obama's Defense Cuts Unthinkable And Pledged To "Get Rid Of Those Sequestration Cuts And Rebuild America's Might." "At a rally at the Military Aviation Museum, Romney described the possible defense cuts as 'unthinkable to Virginia's employment needs.' Almost 14 percent of Virginia's gross domestic product stems from defense spending, according to a November report by Bloomberg Government. 'If I'm president of the United States we'll get rid of those sequestration cuts and rebuild America's might,' he said." (Margaret Talev and Lisa Lerer, "Obama Vies For Key Votes With Romney Over Medicare, Defense Cuts," Bloomberg, 9/9/12)

Mitt Romney Will Restore The Defense Budget Baseline Established By Defense Secretary Robert Gates And Work Toward A Floor For Core Defense Spending At 4% Of GDP. "Mitt Romney will begin by reversing Obama-era defense cuts and return to the budget baseline established by Secretary Robert Gates in 2010, with the goal of setting core defense spending—meaning funds devoted to the fundamental military components of personnel, operations and maintenance, procurement, and research and development—at a floor of 4 percent of GDP." (Romney For President Website, Accessed 10/19/12)

Mitt Romney, Romney Campaign Press Release - A Clear Choice On Stopping Obama's Defense Cuts Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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