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Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - NH for Hillary Campaign Announces 333 Grassroots Activists for Hillary

October 17, 2007

Chaz Proulx Joins Activists Announcing Their Support today

MANCHESTER, NH – The New Hampshire for Hillary campaign continues to build strong and diverse support throughout the Granite State and today announced the names of 333 Grassroots Activists for Hillary. The announcement comes on the heels of this week's trip to the Granite State where Senator Clinton announced her plans to create jobs for the 21st Century and make college more affordable for America's middle class families.

Chaz Proulx, who grew up in Raymond, is a well-known Democratic activist who worked extensively in grass roots organizing and also works regularly within the New Hampshire Democratic Party structure.

"Hillary's Clinton's policies on all the major issues I care about are intricately thought out and her three decades of public service are unequaled," said Proulx, who works part time as a political and issue advocacy consultant. "She has been a visionary on health care, which tops my personal list of domestic concerns. Iraq, of course, continues to drag our country down in every imaginable way. Hillary Clinton has authored the Iraq Troop Protection and Reduction Act of 2007. We can't solve the Iraq problem alone and we need Hillary Clinton to be President because she can rebuild credibility worldwide."

A veteran of many political battles, Chaz has worked with everyone from Howard Dean to first time school board candidates. In 2006 he dedicated most of his efforts to Carol Shea Porter's innovative campaign for the U.S. Congress.

"I am honored to have the support of so many dedicated community activists," said Senator Clinton. "I will look to them to share my vision for the country with their friends and neighbors across the Granite State."

The following is a list of 333 community activists from across the state who today announced their support for Hillary Clinton.


Kathryn Bowen (Claremont), Claremont activist

Jessica Bugbee (Charlestown), Charlestown activist

Mary Dakin (Claremont), Claremont activist

Laurel Eaton (Claremont), Small Business Owner

Roger Ferland (Lempster), Lempster activist

Carroll "Dave" French (Langdon), Langdon Democrats Chair; former State Senate candidate

Joseph Harris (Claremont), former State Representative

Sandra Harris (Claremont), former State Representative

John Luna (Newport), Newport activist

Roy Malool (Newport), Newport activist and Small Business Owner

Thomas Shanklin (Lempster), Lempster activist

Kelly Torrey (Charlestown), Charlestown activist

Celestine Wiggins (Newport), Newport Democrats Chair


Gracia Berry (Concord), Peace activist and Director of Women's Education and Resource Center

Lenita Bofinger (Concord), Education activist and retired professor

Paul O. Bofinger (Concord), Concord activist and environmentalist

Bill Boudreau (Pittsfield), Pittsfield activist

Lynn Brofos (Contoocook), Contoocook activist

Lawrence Burgeron (Loudon), Loudon activist

Odie Champagne (Epsom), Epsom activist

Rep. Claire Clarke (Boscawen), State Representative

Gabriel Daneault (Allenstown), Allenstown Democrats Chair and former State Representative

Susan Decato (Canterbury), Canterbury activist

Stephen Enroth (Sutton), Sutton activist

Thomas Fagan (Bow), Bow Selectman

Cindy Fleming-Wood (Pembroke), Pembroke activist

Kathy Fuller (Franklin), Franklin activist and former School Board Member

Mary Lou Heavey (Henniker), Henniker activist

Martin Honigberg (Concord), Concord activist; Concord School Board Member; former legal counsel to Gov. Jeanne Shaheen

Brenda Kern (Concord), Concord activist

David Kinsman (Newbury), Newbury activist and City Councilor

Maryann Lakevicius (Concord), Concord activist

Thelma Lemire (Franklin), Franklin activist

Natale Linton Brown (Concord), Longtime Concord activist

Ernest Mahar (Franklin), Franklin activist

William McGonagle (Concord), Concord activist

Dick Phelps (Chichester), Chichester activist

Bob Quinn (Concord), Longtime Concord activist

Rachel Rowe (Concord), Concord activist

Jean Strollo (Pembroke), Pembroke activist

Tony Strollo (Pembroke), Pembroke activist

Theresa Zinis (Allenstown), Allenstown activist


Judith Apy (Wolfeboro), Wolfeboro activist

Carol Blotner (Bartlett), Bartlett activist and former Kennett High School Principal

Sylvia Kennedy (Wolfeboro), Wolfeboro activist; physician; former Exeter School Board Chair

Bob Mclean (Tamworth), Tamworth Democrats Chair

Wendy Palm (Wolfeboro), Former Tamworth Democrats Chair


Elizabeth Anderson (Somersworth), Somersworth activist

Joan Ashwell (Durham), Strafford County Democrats Chair

Dr. Tim Ashwell (Durham), Durham Democrats Chair

Jack Buckley (Dover), former Mayor of Dover

Carmen Buford-Paige (Dover), Dover activist

Bill Caldwell (Dover), Dover activist

Lynn Carey (Dover), Dover activist

Warren Daniel (Durham), Durham activist and Small Business Owner

Jay Dean (Dover), Dover activist

Lois Deyoung (Dover), Dover activist

Sylvia Fosco (Dover), Dover activist

Carol French (Dover), Dover activist

Doris Gibbas (Rollinsford), Rollinsford activist

Betty Hannan (Dover), Dover activist

Verdi Johnson (Dover), Dover activist

William Knowles (Dover), State Representative

Katherine Latchaw (Dover), Dover activist

Yitzhak Margowsky (Somersworth), Somersworth activist

Janet Mason (Dover), Dover activist

Robert McGloan (Dover), Dover activist

Frank Pasternak (Somersworth), Somersworth activist

Gregory Pearlman (Dover), Dover activist

Arthur Pelletier (Dover), former State Representative

Michael Ploski (Newmarket), Newmarket Town Councilor

Pam Raley (Dover), Dover activist

Francine Torge (Durham), Dover activist

Kenneth Ward (Rollinsford), Rollinsford Democrats Vice Chair; firefighter

Diane Webb (Dover), Dover activist

Robert Wunder (Dover), Dover activist


Dorothy Bacon (Jaffrey), Jaffrey Democrats Secretary

Linda Borell (Jaffrey), Jaffrey activist and Educator

Carol Bramblett (Rindge), Rindge Democrats Vice-Chair

Allison Brody (Harrisville), Harrisville activist

Catherine Godsoe (Keene), Keene activist

Valerie Cole (Winchester), Winchester School Board Member

Elaine Erenhouse (Chesterfield), Chesterfield activist

Joann Fenton (Keene), Keene activist

Patricia Gamache (Troy), Troy activist

Sandra Gillis (Richmond), Richmond activist

Verne Greene (Keene), Keene activist

Patricia Hamlin (Spofford), Spofford activist

Andrea Johnson (Marlborough), Marlborough City Councillor

Robert Johnson (Hinsdale), Hinsdale activist

Cheryl Kathan (Swanzey), Swanzey activist

Rep. Thomas Loll (Marlborough), State Representative

Carol Poole (Winchester), Winchester activist

Ann Roby (Swanzey), Swanzey activist

Pamela Russell-Slack (Keene), Keene City Councilor and former State Representative

Ms Amy Secore (Keene), Disability Rights activist

Gail Shelley (Westmoreland), Westmoreland activist

Sandra Smith (Dublin), Dublin activist

Amy Wistreich (Walpole), Walpole activist

Dale Woodruff (Alstead), Chair of Alstead Democrats


Barbara Baldizar (Meredith), former State Senator

Robert Baldizar (Meredith), Meredith activist

Pamela Bliss (Meredith), Meredith Planning Commission

Lt. Col. Peter Casey (Gilmanton), Gilmanton activist and Veteran

John Danley (Laconia), Laconia activist

Mary Danley (Laconia), Laconia activist

Denis Dionne (Laconia), Laconia activist

Teresa Donovan (Gilmanton), Attorney for the American Federation of Teachers

William Donovan (Gilmanton), Gilmanton activist

Jason Durgin (Laconia), Laconia activist

Maureen Fitzpatrick (Center Barnstead), Center Barnstead School Board Member

Mary Frost (Gilford), Gilford activist

Audrey Goyette (Laconia), Laconia activist

Ellen Gray (Center Barnstead), Center Barnstead activist

Rita Horner (Laconia), Laconia activist

Carol Mattice (Gilford), Laconia activist

Karin Mattson (Laconia), Laconia activist

Elizabeth Merry (Sanbornton), Sanbornton activist and Small Business Owner

Harry Price (Laconia), Laconia activist

Susanne Price (Laconia), Laconia activist

Timothy Sullivan (Gilford), Gilford activist

Elinor Thorsell (Laconia), Laconia activist

Paula Trombi (Meredith), Small Business Owner

Anne Walsten (Belmont), Belmont activist

Patrick Wood (Laconia), Laconia activist and attorney


Beth Bellevue (Derry), former Derry Democrats Chair

Rose Bruno (Londonderry), Londonderry activist

Marilyn Hoffman (Londonderry), Arts advocate and former director of Currier Art Museum

Paul Iaconis (Londonderry), Londonderry activist

Gail Kennedy (Londonderry), Londonderry activist

Tom Kennedy (Londonderry), Londonderry activist

Francis Mahoney (Hampstead), Hampstead activist

Chris O'Neill (Derry), Derry activist

Lisa O'Neill (Derry), Derry activist

Louis Rizzo (Sandown), Derry activist

Don Schwartz (Londonderry), Londonderry Democrats Vice-Chair

Charles Shapiro (Londonderry), Londonderry activist

Tammy Siekmann (Londonderry), Londonderry activist

Tim Siekmann (Londonderry), Londonderry activist

Mary Tetreau (Londonderry), Londonderry Democrats Secretary

Marcie Zingo (Derry), Derry activist, Former Derry Democrats Chair


Elizabeth Agrafiotis (Hooksett), Hooksett activist and Nurse

Rose Arthur (Merrimack), Former State Representative

Stavroula Bakolas (Manchester), Manchester activist and Leader in Greek-American community

Lucy Barrett (Manchester), Manchester activist

Margaret Batchelder (Manchester), Manchester activist

Denise Bauer (Manchester), Manchester activist and healthcare worker

Happy Beale (Bedford), Bedford activist

Daniel Bergeron (Manchester), Manchester activist

Nancy Bernard (Bedford), Bedford activist

Nancy Berry (Manchester), Manchester activist

Karen Blizzard-Royce (Weare), Weare activist

Roger P. Boisvert (Manchester), Manchester activist

Bob Bruce (Candia), Rockingham County Democrats Vice-Chair

Ann Burrows (Merrimack), Merrimack activist

Jacqueline Buttrick (Auburn), Auburn activist

Myrna Chen (Goffstown), Goffstown activist

Patricia Cornell (Manchester), Manchester Democrats Vice-Chair

William Craig (Manchester), Hillsborough County Democrats Treasurer

Patricia Dam (Manchester), Manchester activist

Caitlin Daniuk (Manchester), former State Representative

Robert Dunn (Manchester), Manchester activist

Jean Durning (Manchester), Manchester activist

Jean Faiella (Manchester), Manchester activist

Joseph Fiala (Weare), Weare Selectman

Joan Flurey (Manchester), Manchester activist

Andrew French (New Boston), New Boston activist

Richard French (Manchester), Manchester activist

Peter Giampa (Manchester), Manchester activist

Patricia Giaquinto (Hooksett), Hooksett activist

John Gikas (Manchester), Manchester activist

Margaret Gregorich (Merrimack), Merrimack activist

Denise Greig (Deerfield), Deerfield activist

Charles Hall (Merrimack), Merrimack activist

Garry Haworth (Manchester), Manchester activist

Pauline Haworth (Manchester), Manchester activist

Kevin Healey (Hooksett), Manchester activist; Governor Lynch's appointment to NHDP State Committee; Manchester firefighter

Robert Jones (Bedford), Bedford activist

John King (Manchester), former State Senator

Thomas King (Manchester), former Manchester Police Chief

Estelle Landry (Bedford), Bedford activist

Judi Lanza (Goffstown), Goffstown activist

Ralph Lavallee (Goffstown), Goffstown activist

JoAnne Malloy (Dunbarton), Dunbarton activist

Michael Malloy (Dunbarton), Dunbarton activist

Susan Marshall (Manchester), Manchester activist

Patrick McGrath (Merrimack), former Merrimack School Board Member

John Melin (Manchester), Manchester activist

John Morakis (Manchester), Manchester activist

Margaret-Ann Moran (Manchester), Manchester activist

Mary Moriarty (Merrimack), Merrimack Democrats Founder

Bill Morrissey (New Boston), New Boston activist

Eric Palangas (Manchester), former State Representative

June Panagopoulos (Manchester), Manchester activist

Judy Pancoast (Goffstown), Community activist and performer

Donna Papanikolau (Hooksett), Hooksett activist

Denis Parker (Hooksett), former State Employee's Association Executive Director

Isabel Partin (Bedford), Bedford activist

Alan Peduzzi (Manchester), Manchester activist

Joseph Perry (New Boston), New Boston activist

Marie Poirier (Manchester), Manchester activist

Charles Proulx (Raymond), Raymond Democrats Chair

Frank Reidy (Manchester), Manchester activist

Helen Reidy (Manchester), Manchester activist

Sharon Romeyko (New Boston), New Boston activist

Frances Roux (Manchester), Manchester activist

Kimberlee Roux (Manchester), Manchester activist

James Royce (Weare), Weare activist

Beth Ann Salzman (Bedford), Bedford activist

Michael Sills (Bedford), Bedford activist

George Skilogianis (Manchester), Manchester activist

Justin Slattery (Goffstown), Longtime Democratic activist

C. Arthur Soucy (Manchester), former Manchester Democrats Chair; Hillsborough County Commissioner; Parks and Recreation Commissioner; Water Commissioner

Brandi Sperrey (Litchfield), Litchfield activist

Bonnie Spinnazola (Bedford), Bedford activist

Christos Spirou (Manchester), former NHDP Chair; Manchester activist; Leader in the Greek-American community

Maria Spirou (Manchester), Manchester activist and Leader in Greek-American community

Henry "Hank" Thibault (Manchester), Manchester Ward 11 Alderman

Wendy Thomas (Merrimack), Merrimack activist

Ray Tondreau (Manchester), Manchester activist

Kate Vaughn (Manchester), Manchester activist; attorney; former NH Young Democrats Executive Board member

Maureen Wallace (Manchester), Manchester activist

Frank Weaver (Manchester), LGBT activist

Anne Zachos (Manchester), Manchester activist


Melanie Adams (Nashua), Nashua activist

Andrea Amodeo-Vickery (Amherst), Amherst activist and Attorney

Linda Argenti (Nashua), Nashua attorney

Mary Beth Ayvazian (Temple), Temple activist

Thomas Barry (Nashua), Nashua activist

Lisa Beaudoin (Temple), Temple activist

Laura Bedard (Hudson), Hudson activist

Debra Blore (Peterborough), Peterborough activist

Carolyn Bowers (Brookline), Brookline activist

Kathy Chapman (Mason), Mason activist

Kathryn Chininis (Amherst), Amherst activist

Kris Durmer (Nashua), Nashua activist and Attorney

Margo Ewers (Nashua), Nashua activist

Lillian Grant (Peterborough), Peterborough activist

Pat Harris (Hollis), Hollis activist

Tom Harris (Hollis), Hollis activist

Claire Helfman (Hollis), Hollis Democrats Chair

Richard Keating (Milford), New England College Dean and former Milford Democrats Chair

Roland Lefebvre (Nashua), former State Representative

John Lindgren (Brookline), Brookline activist

Lorraine Liscio (Hollis), Hollis activist

Gelsa Matarazzo (Nashua), Nashua activist

James McNamee (Nashua), Nashua activist and Attorney

Gary Mooradian (Nashua), Nashua activist

Gail Nichols (Nashua), Nashua activist

Daniel Pare (Nashua), Nashua activist

Kelly Stoller (Milford), Milford activist

Jack Thornton (Nashua), Nashua activist

Christine Way (Nashua), Nashua activist


Valerie Raymond (Alexandria), Alexandria activist

Eugenia Leath (Berlin), Berlin activist

Harold Leath (Berlin), Berlin activist

Jayne Richard (Gorham), Gorham activist

Paul Richard (Gorham), Gorham activist and Veteran


Elaine Ahearn (Hampton Falls), Hampton Falls activist

Sally Banks (Seabrook), Seabrook activist

Ellen Bennett (Portsmouth), Portsmouth activist

Jason Boucher (Portsmouth), Portsmouth activist

Barbara Brinkman (Seabrook), Seabrook activist

Edward Brinkman (Seabrook), Seabrook activist; Republican

Hannah Brinkman (Seabrook), Seabrook activist; High School Student

Jane Byrne (Brentwood), Brentwood City Councilor

Leah Caswell (Stratham), Stratham activist

Brenda Conroy (Hampton), Hampton activist

Nelson Doucette (Exeter), Exeter activist

Pamela Ford (Hampton), Hampton activist

Brigitte Gefrich (Kensington), Kensington activist

George Gefrich (Kensington), Kensington activist

Jody Gittell (Portsmouth), Portsmouth activist

Pamela Gore (Exeter), Exeter activist

Joseph Kaplo (Hampton), Hampton activist

Stephen Little (Portsmouth), Portsmouth activist

Phyllis Lurvey (Stratham), Stratham activist

David Mirsky (Exeter), Exeter activist and Attorney

Ron Mirsky (Exeter), Exeter activist

Dina Mitchell (Portsmouth), NH Young Democrats Seacoast Regional Chair

Donna Pantelakos (Portsmouth), Portsmouth activist

Joanne Petito (Exeter), Exeter activist and Attorney

Elizabeth Sheehy (Newfields), Newfields School Board Member

Leitha Talmage (Epping), Epping activist

Jackie Weatherspoon (Exeter), former State Representative

Mary-Louise Woolsey (Hampton), Hampton activist

Patricia Yosha (Exeter), Exeter activist


Cathie Altman (Rochester), Rochester activist

Jack Altman (Rochester), Rochester activist

Leonard Arkerson (Middleton), Middleton activist

Christine Bane (Strafford), Strafford School Board Member

Rep. Bill Brennen (Rochester), State Representative and Rochester School Board Member

Rep. George Brown (Rochester), State Representative

Rep. Rachel Burke (Farmington), State Representative

Irene Creteau (Rochester), former State Representative

Brenda Elliott (Rochester), Rochester activist

Carl Elliott (Rochester), Rochester activist

Barbara Grendon (Northwood), Rochester School Board Member

John Mammone (Middleton), Rochester City Councilor

Marylin Pike (Milton), Milton activist

Lynne Rocheleau (Rochester), Rochester activist

Louis Ryan (Middleton), Middleton Democrats Chair

Alice Surago (Farmington), Farmington activist

Norman Talbot (Rochester), Rochester activist

David Weiss (Rochester), Rochester activist


John Brouse Brouse (Salem), Salem activist

William Connell (Atkinson), Atkinson activist

Harley Featherston (Salem), Salem activist and NHDP State Committee member

Elizabeth Gosselin (Windham), Windham activist

Elizabeth Kosta (Pelham), Pelham activist

Freda Smith (Salem), Salem activist


Beverly Aamot (Hanover), Hanover activist

Robert Aarons (Grantham), Grantham activist

David Ashey (Lebanon), Lebanon activist; Republican

Michael Blayney (Grantham), Director of Environmental Health and Safety at Dartmouth College

Elizabeth Crory (Hanover), former State Representative

Harold Friedman (Hanover), Professor of Medicine at Dartmouth College

Dana Hanson (Etna), Etna activist

Dorothy Heinrichs (Orange), Orange Democrats Chair

Martha Hennessey (Hanover), Hanover activist; health care provider

Frances Herbert (Hanover), Hanover activist

Victor Kaplan (Hanover), Hanover activist

Suzanne Levi (Hanover), Hanover activist

Courtney Marshall (Grantham), Grantham activist

Isabel McCarthy (Lebanon), Lebanon activist

James Mills (Hanover), Hanover activist

George Navedo (Lebanon), Letter Carrier in Lebanon

Anne Obrien (Lebanon), Lebanon activist and Nurse

Wallace Perry (Lebanon), Lebanon activist

Nancy Scovner (Enfield), former Enfield Selectman

Howard Shaffer (Enfield), Enfield activist

Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - NH for Hillary Campaign Announces 333 Grassroots Activists for Hillary Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/293552

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