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Richardson Campaign Press Release - Bill Richardson responds to Hillary's Final Campaign Ad

January 02, 2008

Hillary Asks: Who is ready to be President? The Answer: Bill Richardson

CENTERVILLE, IA-- New Mexico Governor and Democratic Presidential candidate Bill Richardson, in his last full day of campaigning before the Iowa Caucuses, responded to Hillary Clinton's two-minute, final campaign television commercial.

"I welcome her attempt to focus on who is ready to be President, because the answer to that question is Bill Richardson. I am ready. I am tested, and I can bring people together to change this country.

"You know, every candidate in this race is asking for the biggest job promotion of his or her life. The voters ought to look at what we've done.

"What has the Senate done in the last 12 months? Since my colleagues took over leadership of Congress, have they gotten us out of Iraq? No. Did they scrap No Child Left Behind and reform education? No. Did they stop an Attorney General who wouldn't say that waterboarding is torture? No. Have they done something to create the next generation of great paying jobs? No.

"I know that we can do better. And I have done better.

"In the last twelve months, I helped shut down North Korea's nuclear reactor. We brought back the remains of 6 American soldiers from that country that had been missing since the Korean War. I extended health coverage to every child under 12 in my state. I raised teacher salaries. I cracked down on unscrupulous lenders. I passed a landmark clean energy bill to create clean air and thousands of jobs that cannot be outsourced.

"That's what I'm offering: real change, not excuses."

Bill Richardson, Richardson Campaign Press Release - Bill Richardson responds to Hillary's Final Campaign Ad Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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