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Gingrich Campaign Press Release - Positive Response to Newt at Las Vegas Debate

October 19, 2011

Newt's performance at Tuesday's Presidential Debate received an overwhelmingly positive response from conservative commentators:

Newt Gingrich, hands down, won the debate.

--Erick Erickson, Red State

Newt is just head and shoulders better than everyone else on the stage.

--John Hawkins, Right Wing News

A person from Mars would conclude that once again Gingrich is the most impressive in debates, especially his efforts to steer the attacks back to Obama's policies.

--Victor Davis Hanson, National Review

If anyone actually won this debate, though, it might have been Newt Gingrich. He stayed on an even keel, remained positive, and stayed out of the sniping that erupted for much of the first half of the debate.

--Ed Morrissey, Hot Air

The former House speaker excelled once again. He was authoritative from beginning to end.

--Kevin Hall, The Iowa Republican

But the rising star again seems to be Newt.

--Professor William Jacobson, Legal Insurrection

[Gingrich] has been consistently clever and surprisingly non-negative in these debates. And tonight was his best showing yet.

--Seth Leibsohn, National Review

If Cain were to stumble, the candidate best positioned to take advantage after Tuesday night might be Newt Gingrich. The former speaker seemed to be hitting cleanup all night, taking his turn after a few other candidates had gotten to swing. He didn't miss much, if at all.

--Kyle Wingfield, Atlanta Journal Constitution

Newt Gingrich helped himself more than any other candidate, and his standing in the polls will rise. He was for the most part strong and self-assured, especially in his answer on national defense.

--Peter Wehner, Commentary Magazine

Gingrich's superior performance in tonight's debate is undeniable. He kept the focus on Obama. He refused to participate in the in-fighting. ... Gingrich took a pro-American stance, sounded like a commander-in-chief, and will have former Perry supporters looking his way.

--Tony Katz

The familiar face getting the most attention behind the scenes now is former House Speaker Newt Gingrich. There's a consensus that he has come off as both the smartest and most solid over the course of all the debates so far.

--Brett Decker, Washington Times

Newt Gingrich, Gingrich Campaign Press Release - Positive Response to Newt at Las Vegas Debate Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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